quip App Launch
1 of 3 app debuts (so far!) In short, the quip app helps you track brushing, improve habits, and earn rewards.
1 of 3 app debuts (so far!) In short, the quip app helps you track brushing, improve habits, and earn rewards.
App Store • Name, description
Descriptive copy and screens explain how the app works and why's it such a rewarding brush companion.
Descriptive copy and screens explain how the app works and why's it such a rewarding brush companion.
Dashboard • Dynamic updates
Points and brush streaks highlight daily progress, followed by a brush breakdown, achievements, and more.
Points and brush streaks highlight daily progress, followed by a brush breakdown, achievements, and more.
Coaching • How to brush better
Positive praise (green) and tips to improve (red) help app users brush more gently, evenly, and consistently.
Positive praise (green) and tips to improve (red) help app users brush more gently, evenly, and consistently.
Rewards • Good habits pay off
Rewards just for brushing? Fresh yeah! I manage our catalogue: names, descriptions, and how to redeem.
Rewards just for brushing? Fresh yeah! I manage our catalogue: names, descriptions, and how to redeem.
Push Notifications • Staying on track
Forgot to brush? Not with reminders. For many mouths, a little nudge is the key to better oral health habits.
Forgot to brush? Not with reminders. For many mouths, a little nudge is the key to better oral health habits.